Year 6: Secondary School Application
If your child is in Year 6, the deadline for application for a secondary school place is 31st October each year.
Places are then offered on 1st March.
DO read the brochure and visit the schools.
DO apply on time and provide all the requested documentation to make sure the appropriate priority is applied to your application.
DO familiarise with the school’s oversubscription criteria and how places were allocated in the past - be realistic about the chances of your child getting a place at the school.
DON’T name only one school thinking it will guarantee you a place at that school - it won’t!
DON’T contact your MP or councillor if you do not get allocated a place at your preferred school. They have no authority to change the decision. Only the appeal panel can require a school to admit a child if they are full.
If you need help with your application, contact the school admission team at:
The admissions website is here: