School Meals

Following the introduction of funding for London schools, all school meals are provided free of charge.

Year 3 & 4 children all have school meals. 

Children in Year 5 & 6 can choose but we strongly encourage you to take up this opportunity of a freshly prepared meal for your child each lunchtime.

School Meals at St John’s are prepared freshly onsite each day and served by our school caterers - 'Radish'.

If you would like your child to have school meals, please contact the school office.

You are able to choose which day your child has school meals and can chose a mix of school meals and packed lunch. We do ask that you have the same meal pattern for every week. The current menu is below.

If you would like your child to stop having school meals, please give the school a minimum of one week's notice via email to

Current Menu

St John the Baptist CE Junior School.pdf

Allergy Advice

We take all pupil's allergies very seriously and can cater to most requirements if made aware of them - please don't hesitate to contact the school office to make the appropriate arrangements. The current allergy matrix can be found here.

Free School Meals

If you think you may be entitled to Free School Meals, please contact the Local Authority (details below) as soon as possible, who will be able to check your eligibility. Please also inform the school office that you have made contact with the Local Authority, so that we can follow up on your behalf if there is any query or delay.

School Services and Benefits Officer - Free School Meals

Achieving for Children

Phone: 020 8547 5448

Our School’s Caterers – Radish

Here at Radish, we believe that food is a great way to bring everyone together. We want to share our love of good, real food so we actively engage with all children at the school through our interactive workshops, healthy eating assemblies and, of course, serving them a delicious and nutritious lunch every day.

We always meet the Government food-based standard for our school lunches: as a minimum, every day we provide the children with two hot choices, at least one vegetarian option, homemade dessert, freshly baked bread, salad bar, yoghurt and fresh fruit.

All of our meals are freshly prepared on-site by our talented chefs to ensure there are no undesirable additives. We pack many of our dishes full of hidden veggies so that the children increase their intake without even realising. Our Nutritionist, Sarah, works on every menu we create for the school which is rotated every term to include the best local fruit and vegetables that are in season. See this term’s menu here.

Our exceptional food, service and ethical approach have been recognised within the catering industry and beyond, including Food for Life, Red Tractor Farm Assured Food Standards Scheme, Marine Stewardship Council, Free Range Eggs and British Meat Processors Association.

We want the pupils to understand nutrition and where food comes from whilst experimenting with their own creations - so we introduce them to our popular Herby and Big Chef Little Chef concepts, giving them fun activities and friendly characters to learn from. See what we have been up to recently at the school by clicking here.

We love to meet with parents, guardians and carers of the school so we run evening presentations and taster sessions which are a great way for you to find out what we are all about. For more information about our presentations and taster sessions, please contact your school.

Discover more about Radish - visit

Christmas Dinner

Every December we hold our annual Christmas lunch and at St John's we like to get together as a family to celebrate. We invite all children and staff to join in on this happy occasion, even if they usually eat a packed lunch from home.

Look out for our letter to parents in December with the dates and details. 

(Please note that additional payment is not necessary for Christmas lunch if your child already has school dinners and you have paid for the half-term, or if you are currently registered as eligible for free school meals).