Garden Work Autumn Winter 2020
Over the summer and into the beginning of this term, the Courtyard as it will now be known has had something of a makeover...The old pergola was taken down as it was very old and starting to rot in fact; a new paved area has been constructed where people may sit (once we acquire a table and chairs) and from which we will be able to survey the courtyard, once it is complete and a sand pit has been made and filled with sand! Obviously Mrs P is most excited about the thought of some lovely new exotic plants the likes of which would be at home on a desert island or in a jungle, but there will be pebbles and shells and other treasures.
In the holidays the heavy duty work was done with the help of Mr Gauci and Mr Chamberlin, but now we are back in school, the children are helping. They worked very hard moving about half a metre cubed bag of sand….They have loved planting new additions to the garden like dahlias, ferns and palms and have shared the excitement of buying hammocks to swing in gently when the weather allows!
As you are not able to visit just at the moment, we thought a few photos would give you an idea of the progress we are making. The PTA have made it possible for us to do this work so far, and we are hoping to create a place where children and adults alike can relax, unwind or gently potter about and do some gardening. We hope you will be able to visit soon.