Who is our PTA?
If you are a parent or staff member at St John's - then it is you! We are all part of the community of St John's and we are all part of making it the best place possible for our children to have the best start to life. Your involvement in events and in volunteering makes it all possible, so thank you.
Our PTA is lead by a team of parents headed up by Emma (Arlo Y5). This team of volunteers works closely with Mr Corke (Headteacher). Together they organise events, manage the money raised, and look to maximise the strength and resources within our wonderful school community.
If you would like to be more involved in the work of the PTA, please do speak to any of the team.
annual general meeting 2024
On Friday 23rd February, the PTA AGM was held. This is a statutory requirement, because the PTA is a registered charity. Please find the slides below. These slides summarise funds raised and allocated in 2022-23 and updates and projections for 2023-24. In particular, you will see that money raised from the parent community is buying the following items for our children:
Aircon in the Craigie building (this completes coverage for the whole school)
Replacement guttering (for damaged areas where flooding is worsening)
Values-based graphic design wall wrap (to give tired corridors a makeover)
Sports equipment for the playground (like balls, hula hoops, skipping ropes)
Soft furnishings for the Nurture Room (cushions, bean bags etc).
Thank you so much for your ongoing support. Together we are making a real difference. Next year we plan to fund an Astro cricket area with nets, and new musical instruments - among other things!
Looking ahead, we have space in our calendar for parents to host events, especially if you have an area of expertise to share with our community. You may remember a recent evening with a talk from a mum who specialises in menopause. Please get in touch if you have ideas for topics or speakers, or if you yourself have something to share. And there is always space for more volunteers! We’d love to hear from you.
You are able to ask questions or raise objections about anything covered in these slides. This includes voting in new members of the PTA Committee. The email address is in the slides. Please write by Wednesday 6th March.
A huge thank you from all the PTA and we look forward to seeing many of you at the Quiz on Friday evening.

Summer Term Spending
Our lovely new air conditioning... Thank you PTA!
The gutters before...
The gutters after... (Thank you to the PTA for this much needed funding)
our focus