Self Evaluation and School Development Plan
The governing body and school leadership team continually review and assess the successes and areas for development of the school. Below are the headlines of our current self evaluation, and the current priorities for development.
Academic Performance
Below is snapshot of the academic outcomes of our Year 6 children in the most recent academic year. This is compared to the national average, to all Kingston schools, and to all Richmond schools. We are proud to have sent our Year 6s off to secondary school with such high academic attainment. This is only one aspect of how we support our children to know life in all its fullness, but one we are proud to excel in.
Comparing our school to others locally and nationally
National and regional academic data had not been made publicly available during the time of the pandemic. However, our assessment system is used by over 6500 schools and so we are able to compare our children's attainment to those schools which also use this system. This includes nearly half of schools in Richmond upon Thames (labelled as 'LA' - i.e. our local authority). The attainment data below is for Spring 2023 (the most recent academic year) and is for all year groups, not just Year 6.
All schools are also listed on the Department for Education’s performance tables.
These have not been updated since before the pandemic and do not represent current practice or outcomes at our school. There can be a range of factors which can influence the data in these performance tables and the colours and information found within them can sometimes not reflect the true quality of a school. OfSTED recognise that progress data in Junior schools can appear less positive than primary schools, but that this does not mean the children are achieving any less than their peers in other schools.
The vast majority of our children achieve above or in line with national average outcomes, and go on to a range of excellent secondary schools across South West London and Surrey.
The headlines from the 2018-19 performance data (as identified by OfSTED's Inspection Data Summary Report):
Key stage 2 attainment of the expected standard (100+) in reading (91%) was significantly above national and in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019. Key stage 2 attainment of the high standard (110+) in reading (49%) was significantly above national and in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019, as well as in 2018 and 2017. Of the 76 pupils, 7 did not meet the expected standard.
The key stage 2 three-year average reading attainment score (107.7) was in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019.
Key stage 2 progress in writing (-3.9) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% of all schools in 2019.
Key stage 2 attainment of the expected standard (100+) in the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test (92%) was significantly above national and in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019.
The key stage 2 three-year average mathematics attainment score (106.7) was in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019.
CLICK HERE for our school's previous performance taken from 2018-19. (More recent national data is not yet available due to changes in statutory assessment during the pandemic.)
We are very proud of the experience and quality of education the children receive at St John's and we would encourage any prospective parents to tour the school and hear about all that our school is currently doing to see all our children flourish, both academically and in their personal and social development.
Financial Performance
It is a requirement of all schools to share a link to the schools financial benchmarking service for you to compare our school's spending to other similar schools.
There is always a detailed backstory behind all figures and it is the role of our governing body to understand this story and hold the leadership team to account.
It is also a requirement to share any members of staff who earn £100,000 or over. There are no members of staff in this category.