School Day
Our school day
Children should arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.40am
8.30am - Gates open
8.40am - School starts and the register is taken
9am - Assembly
10.15-10.30am - Morning break (Children can bring in fruit as a healthy snack)
12.00-1.00pm - Lunch time
3.10pm - School ends
The length of the school week is 32.5 hours
Children should not arrive at school before our opening at 8.30 am unless they are attending Breakfast Club or a morning activity club, as the school cannot accept legal responsibility for their supervision before this time.
Children should be collected from the school gate at the closing of the school day unless they have a walking home pass.
Walking Home Alone Passes
Children in Year 5 and Year 6 may be dismissed at the end of the day without being collected by an adult. This will only occur if they have applied for a walking home pass. Walking home passes are also valid after clubs except during winter (between the October and February half-term) due to fading light.
Ahead of the start of each academic year, we provide a Google form for parents to request that their child receives a walking home pass. At all other times, if you would like your child to have a walking home pass, please contact the school office.
Assemblies at St John's
All schools, whether faith schools or community schools, are required to have daily acts of collective worship. These times should be an experience that does not offend the integrity of the non-religious or those of different faiths. We, like many other schools, call them 'assemblies'.
At St John’s we consider acts of collective worship to be a significant educational activity that both reflects and explores the school's distinctive Christian character and contributes to the personal and spiritual development of all present. Therefore, assemblies at St John’s are planned to:
be a time of collective worship that is inclusive, invitational and inspiring;
engage all participants, child and adult alike, who should be able to talk about the impact it makes on their relationships and on life in the school;
regularly include Biblical material and Christian teaching which explore and relate to the fruit of the spirit, our core Christian values and our Christian vision;
challenge all learners of all backgrounds to understand and embark on their own spiritual journey;
build an understanding of the value of prayer, reflection and stillness;
contribute significantly to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development by providing all present with “something more than the obvious, something to wonder at, something to respond to” (Terence Copley);
be an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for achievements within the school, local and international community, and occasions of significance, including festivals;
have a focus on God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, enabling all learners to embark on an understanding of the Trinity that will help all learners to understand Anglican and other Christian traditions found in the UK and worldwide.
This description is taken from our collective worship policy. You can download our Collective Worship Policy from our policies page here.
Right to withdraw
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of collective worship. Requests should be made in writing to the Headteacher. Whilst no reason is required, we would encourage parents to discuss this with the Headteacher.