Governing Body
As governors, we are delighted to welcome you to St John the Baptist C of E Junior School. We pride ourselves in knowing our children well and enabling them to live life in all its fullness. This means that art, sport, a love of reading, and drama, as well as caring for each other and the world around us, are central to what we do.
As a governing body our role is one of monitoring as well as being a critical friend and we are impressed with the dedication of the staff and the robustness of the procedures that have been put in place to keep everyone safe.
We are a church school which means that our Christian Ethos runs through everything we do.
The role of a governor is often misunderstood. The following document provides a clear explanation of the role of a governing body and the sorts of duties we undertake. Please click here to download a document which explains the role in more detail.
The term of office for all categories of governor is a fixed period of four years. However, the Headteacher or an ex-officio foundation governor remains in post for the duration of the position which entitled them to be a governor.
The Governing Body of St John’s is made up of:
Foundation Governors
2 Ex officio - The Chief Officiating Ministers of the Parishes of:
St Mark's, Teddington - Revd. T. Simpson
St John's, Hampton Wick - Revd. J. Field
1 Hampton Deanery Synod – VACANCY
2 London Diocesan Board for Schools – VACANCY & VACANCY
2 Parochial Church Council – Mrs T. Herterich (St Mark's) and Mr C. Blizzard (St John's)
Non-Foundation Governors
1 Local Authority – Mrs S. Thurgood
2 Elected Parents – Mr O. Kozan and Mr J. Osborne
1 Staff – Mr L. Gauci
1 Staff Ex officio – Mr A. Corke (Headteacher)
Associate Member (appointed by the governing body, with voting rights for any committees appointed to and able to serve as Chair or Vice-Chair of any such committees)
Mr M. Pavri
The Chair of Governors is Mrs S. Thurgood
The Vice Chair of Governors is Revd. J. Field
The Treasurer is Mr J. Osborne
The Governing Body at St John the Baptist School was reconstituted on 18th January 2019.
Governors have declared no business or financial interests. Mrs S. Thurgood holds the position of parent governor at Turing House School.
The Governors can be contacted through the school office, or via the Clerk to Governors, Mrs F. Wood, on 020 8977 4114 or
Governors' Attendance for the Year 2023-2024 and governor roles/committees for that period are shown below: