If your child is of pre-school age and you are considering applying for a school place, please click here to go to Hampton Wick Infant School's admissions page.
Admissions to St John the Baptist Junior School
Year 3 Admissions for Academic Year 2025-2026 (next year - current Year 2 children):
For Year 2 parents applying for a school place for September, you should apply through Richmond admissions here.
There is also an additional form to complete to support your application. This supplementary admissions form can be completed here.
Due to pupil numbers at HWINS, we have reduced our admissions number from 90 children (3 classes) to 60 children (2 classes). We will accommodate all applications from HWINS, even if it takes us over 60 children. It is one journey from Reception through to Year 6 and we will always look to provide every child at HWINS with a place at St John's.
Open Morning
We host an open morning for Year 2 parents each year. Parents at HWINS will receive an invitation via the school office. If you are unable to attend and would like to find out more about the school ahead of September, please arrange a tour by contacting the school office.
Information about our support of children with additional educational needs can be found here.
And to better understand our vision as a school - that which underpins who we are and everything that we do - please click here.
In-Year Admissions
Applicants for in-year admissions should contact the school office to see if a place is available. A St John's supplementary form must be filled in along with Richmond Borough’s Common Application Form. Both can be downloaded below.
If you would like to discuss a place at St John’s for your child, please contact the school office on 020 8977 4114 and ask to speak to the Admissions Officer.
Amendment to the Admissions Code
To provide more flexibility for the admission of the children of UK service personnel and Crown Servants, the Code now provides that for those families with a confirmed posting, or Crown servants returning from overseas, admission authorities must:
Allocate a place in advance of the family arriving in the area, as long as one is available, provided the application is accompanied by an official letter that details a relocation date. Admission authorities must not refuse to process an application and must not refuse a place solely because the family do not yet have an intended address, or do not yet live in the area.
Use the address at which the child will live when applying their oversubscription criteria, as long as the parents provide some evidence of their intended address. Admission authorities are required to use a unit or quartering address as the child’s home address when considering the application against their oversubscription criteria where the parents request this.
The School Admissions Code, including the above, can be read in full by clicking on this link.
Admissions Appeals Code 1st October 2022
Parents/Guardians who are not offered a place for their child are entitled to appeal. Parents/Guardians wishing to appeal should do so in writing. The letter should be sent to the Clerk to the Appeals Committee, via the school, no later than 21 days after the notification of the decision not to admit. For further information, please refer to the School Admission Appeals Code 2022. This revised Appeals Code now permits remote hearings of admission appeals.