Equality & SMSC
Equal Opportunities
Our vision is life in all its fullness; for all our children, their families and the whole staff team. The children are at the heart of everything we do and this vision inspires us to focus on what is most important – preparing all children to flourish later in life.
In line with our vision and associated values, we look to ensure equality for all whether in gender, cultural, ethnic or social diversity and special needs of all kinds. Education at St John's is based on equal provision, access, choice and opportunity for all. We want to prepare children to flourish in a diverse society, enabling them to live and work responsibly and harmoniously, understanding and respecting those around them.
Our Equality Information and Objectives can be downloaded here
Our long term aims, which can be seen in more detail in the document above, are to:
Eliminate discrimination
For St John the Baptist CE Junior School to foster an actively anti-racist culture where:
Children of all races have equal access to events and groups
The curriculum celebrates and references people from a wide range of ethnic groups
Behaviour incidents related to race are rare, and where they occur, are effectively managed, reported and perpetrators supported in their understanding.
For the staff team to reflect the ethnic diversity of the school community.
Advance equality of opportunities
To significantly diminish the difference between academic outcomes for PPG and SEN pupils and their non-PPG and non-SEN peers.
For children with protected characteristics to take a full part in sporting events and sporting clubs.
To ensure no child is disadvantaged by their protected characteristic in their engagement in trips, events and activities whilst at the school.
Foster good relations
For all families who join the school to be supported to fully participate in the life of the school.
For children of all faiths to feel pride in their religion and for all children to better understand and accept the practices and customs of world faiths.
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) and British Values
In line with our vision and values as a school, we want to prepare our children to flourish in the years ahead. This means excellent standards of academic teaching and learning but it also means we focus on supporting their wider personal development. A summary of our approach to this is captured in our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development and British Values document.