Mrs P's Saturday Gardeners
I was thrilled that a small, but enthusiastic band of helpers came to school on the first day of the Easter holidays. The children picked litter, put away all of the school equipment from around the site, wheeled Mr Gauci’s trolley across the field to the compost bin and around the place, ate biscuits and generally mucked in while the grown ups dug the meadow, emptied the compost and the square planters, redistributed the soil to useful places and planted the cherry tree by the front gate. This cherry tree was a present from Japan (yes really) and has been waiting to go into the ground for a little while!
Everyone was very busy and cheerful and willing to do similar things another day! I am thrilled that so many things were achieved in a relatively short amount of time! I will keep people posted re another Gardening working day.
Many members of the public stopped to ask if we were reinstating the meadow and expressed delight when we said yes that was the plan! So now I will buy the Pictorial Meadow seed ready to sow with the Gardening Club straight after the Easter holiday.
Thank you so much to those who came and worked so admirably, on a very grey day that was full of smiles!
Mrs Palamartschuk