As well as a description of how each value is embedded into our curriculum, click on the value and it will open up specific ways we reinforce our school values in our learning.

Growth - We provide high quality teaching and depth of challenge as well as asking probing questions rather than providing the answers so that children develop independent enquiry and take risks with their learning.

We want our children to learn about a broad range of possibilities in their lives, so that they can aspire with purpose and ambition. We provide a well sequenced, ambitious curriculum that aims at mastery for all. We do not have ability sets but instead use quality first teaching principles and adaptive teaching strategies to support all children to access the curriculum. We do not put a barrier on what a child can attain.

How we develop this school value:

Kindness - We teach our children to be considerate and tolerant people who can work positively in the context of difference. RE, PSHE and RSHE, Collective Worship and Reading have significant protected time in our timetable each week so that our children have ample opportunities to develop a mature self-identity and understanding of others.

Treating others with respect and accepting the different opinions and beliefs of others is a crucial life skill which we teach explicitly. We provide an inclusive curriculum which actively seeks to dispel harmful stereotypes and provide opportunities for children to listen to a range of diverse, different perspectives across the curriculum, as well as sharing their own views.

How we develop this school value:

Creativity - From creative problem solving to expressing themselves through various outlets, we look to nurture our children’s creativity throughout our curriculum. So that they might flourish academically, socially and mentally, our nurture support, focus on the arts including musical expression, and high quality STEM weeks support children to develop their creativity. 

How we develop this school value:

Joy - Wellbeing and both physical and mental health is essential for effective engagement with school and wider life. Our children need to feel secure in themselves and their environment to learn; they need to believe in themselves as successful people and aim high in order to make great progress. We recognise the value of the arts and sports in supporting good mental health and, for children with additional needs, we work closely with outside agencies to ensure they receive specialist intervention and support.

How we develop this school value:

Integrity - We recognise that our children have or will have significant online lives so we strive to prepare them to be responsible online citizens through how they communicate, and online safety underpins our computing curriculum.

How we develop this school value: